Post 154 Community Projects
Our post participates in, or sponsors a number of events and projects for veterans or the children of the Rathdrum community. Below are some of those projects. If you'd like to help with any of them, contact one of the post 154 officers or committee chairmen. All officers and committee chairman can be reached at the following email address:
Youth Soccer
Post 154 sponsors one or two youth soccer teams each year.
Rathdrum Community Easter Egg Hunt
Rathdrum Parks and Recreation, Northwest Guardian Riders, and Post 154 sponsor the community Easter egg hunt each year. It is hugely popular, fun, and requires lots of volunteers.
Veterans Recognition
This event is held annually to recognize and thank all veterans in Kootenai County and the surrounding area. Each year, a different group of veterans, beginning with WWII, are given special recognition in the form of a commemorative device. Business owners and members of the community donate money which is then used to provide door prizes, entertainment and food. Each year, a Distinguished Veteran of the Year will be honored. The first honoree was Charlie Till, a member of our Post. This event is co-sponsored by Rathdrum American Legion Post 154, Northwest Guardian Riders, and the City of Rathdrum.
Trunk or Treat
This event is sponsored by Rathdrum Parks and Recreation and supported by members of Post 154. It is an alternative to trick or treating in neighborhoods by the children of the community. It involves vehicles with trunks filled with treats, lining up so kids can go down the line getting goodies from each trunk. Lots of fun and an easy event to participate in.
Rathdrum Days