
Rathdrum Post 154


Agent Orange/Dioxin Presumptive Diseases

Agent Orange is a highly toxic herbicide used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War to defoliate hiding places used by the enemy and to clear the perimeters of military installations. Although colorless, it is known as “Agent Orange” because of an orange-colored band painted on the drums used to store and transport it. 

After years of advocacy led by Vietnam Veterans of America, Congress enacted into law the Agent Orange Act of 1991. This legislation empowered the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to declare certain maladies as “presumptive” to exposure to Agent Orange/dioxin and enable Vietnam veterans, as well as some veterans who served along the demilitarized zone in Korea during the late 1960s, to receive treatment and compensation for these health conditions. Service-connected benefits, however, may also be granted for other maladies not yet recognized as presumptive service-connected health conditions.

Presumptive Service Connected Illnesses Recognized by the VA as Connected to Agent Orange Herbicide Exposure

Cancers –

*subject to time requirements for purposes of filing claims

NOTE: This list may change over time. For official updated list, go HERE.

Here is a new study linking Agent Orange exposure and dementia.