
Rathdrum Post 154




                                       Veterans Help Net


Veterans Help Net is a volunteer Veteran Support Organization that started in the Northwest to serve Veterans in Eastern Washington and North Idaho. It was conceived by a small group that believed that there were a lot of Veterans out there that were not aware of the benefits and help that was available to them because they served. The group came up with an awareness marketing idea that centered around two focused messages.

  1. Hey Vets! “Did you know?”: a series of short articles that feature little known or forgotten benefits that are available to veterans or their families. For example: “Did you know” that a spouse that provides care giving services for a disabled vet can be paid for providing that service, above and beyond the veteran’s pension or disability pay?
  2. Veteran Stories: a series of stories about veterans that found a benefit that provided help or care for them or their family members. They can tell about how their life is better because of this benefit and who helped them find and get help. We would tell these stories because they were true and inspiring but also so that we can ask the question…“Does this sound like someone you know?” Follow this link at http://veteranshelpnet.com/resource-directory/ to locate a Veteran Service Officer and see if you, your family member, or friend can receive similar help.

With these two focused messages, we intend to give hope and help to many veterans that have earned the benefits but may not know where or how to find the help.

One of our current projects is the “VETERANS CHRONICLE,” a cooperative project with the Spokesman Review. It is a six page section that is published monthly and features: Veteran Stories and “Did you Know” articles, as well as special features highlighting Veteran service organizations and other relevant veteran stories, events, and resources.

Click on the editions below to see the Veterans Chronicle:

December 2019