“The Faces of Agent Orange” is a nationwide Vietnam Veterans of America effort to help people "see" those who were affected by Agent Orange in Vietnam.
After the United States established that Agent Orange could be linked as the cause of many Vietnam veterans’ medical conditions, the veterans want the research to be done on how their children and grandchildren may have been affected. Committees have been formed to share stories and discuss possible health links to Agent Orange.
The Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015 was presented to the U.S. House and Senate. The Veterans Administration would designate a VA medical center as the national research center for the effects of veterans’ exposure, should the bipartisan bill be passed into law. This research could potentially benefit not only those involved in Agent Orange, but many others who have been affected by exposure and radiation.
"Faces..." is a series of these true stories shared by Vietnam veterans and their families.
Each story is listed here. Just click on the name to be taken to it.