Fund Raising Events
Special events are very important fund raisers for our Post. They don't come around too often and must be taken advantage of. Please help in any way you can, and actively promote these events by attending and encourages others to do so as well. We try to make them fun for the entire family. Please do all you can to support Post 154 and our mission to help veterans and our community. Thank you!
Upcoming fund raising events:
The annual Poppy Campaign is coming up in May. This year will be challenging because of the coronavirus issues. Some of our members may feel they need to continue social distancing well into May because of their at-risk status. Stores may not have the patrons they would normally have. For these reasons, it's more important than ever that we have a full contingent of volunteers to fill the shifts at every store. This is historically our biggest fund raiser and it needs to be so again this year. Poppy Chairman Lonnie Morse has worked hard to get everything lined up and organized for success. He has put together a signup sheet so you can see where the need is and how you can help. Remember, the funds we raise allow us to pursue our goals for the year. We have minimal overhead, so are able to use our funds for veterans, their families, and children in our community. To view the signup sheet, go HERE. Please find a slot or two and help this year's campaign meet our goals.